
Let the Summer Begin!

Middle school students can smell summer at this point...only 2 days of school remain. And next week we unleash one wild summer at the Verge...

TUESDAY / On Tuesday (June 8) we kick it off with a summer lunch party at Burger Shack (107 S Market Street) at 11:30. Afterwards we'll walk one block to FBC Benton for some fun until 1:30 or so. No registration necessary. You will need to cover the cost of your burger.

WEDNESDAY / That Wednesday night will be our very first "Sushi" starting at 5:30 at Moe's (Bryant). We will meet at Moe's for dinner at 5:30. Shortly after 6 we will hand a camera and a list of photograph-able items and tasks to each group of students (and adult volunteer). Feel free to join us at 6 if you prefer to skip the food. There is no cost (aside from Moe's) and no registration necessary.

THURSDAY / Thursday we will meet and leave from FBC (Brad's office) at 2:00 for our first Verge Hiking Club Expedition. Our goal is the 1000 ft peak overlooking Little Rock, Pinnacle Mountain! After we've enjoyed the view, we will stop by Cheeburger Cheeburger and find out who's got the stomach to take down their "Famous Pounder" and get their picture on the wall - it's an entire day of conquering great feats!

Students must register with a medical release form no later than Monday morning (June 7) at 8:00 am. There is no cost (aside from Cheeburger).

Call us at (501) 778 2271 if you have any questions or you can email Brad at brad.evans@fbcbenton.org. See you next week!