...First Baptist Fall Break has arrived! It's our first ever Verge Middle School Fall Retreat.
Middle School students will be retreating from Benton on Friday (November 5th) to stay at the Hilton Convention Center in Branson, MO and enjoy time together and time in the Word! This 3 day conference is tailored to the specific needs of Middle Schoolers and the struggles they face. We will be spending time in worship, learning and growing in God's truth in the midst of large group teaching and small group breakout sessions...as well as having a blast living it up in Branson! Students return Sunday (November 7th).
The cost is $115, which includes travel and hotel expenses, breakfast, and Silver Dollar City. Students are responsible for 2 lunches and 2 dinners.
I'm beyond excited about this trip. Join in me praying now and until our trip that God would bless our weekend and work in the lives of our students!
Questions? Give us a call anytime!