
Busy Week...

Foto Frenzy / the 1st Sushi of the summer is this Wednesday night starting at Moe's at 5:30. No need to register. Just come and bring a friend! We'll eat and then unleash students with a camera at 6:00 to strike a pose!

Memphis Madness / ...is not this week, but the deadline to register for the madness is this Wednesday night. There are a limited number of spots of available! We'll be staying in downtown Memphis, eating on Beale Street, catching a Redbirds game, hitting the Memphis Zoo, and having a blast together! Questions? Call us at (501) 778 2271.

Verge Hiking Club / 1st hike of the summer is this Thursday! Pinnacle and Cheeburger are our destinations. The deadline to turn in your form is Monday! Call us with any questions!

Summer is here!!!